Regular Audits and Assessments

Purpose: This policy aims to ensure that our data management and security procedures meet or exceed industry standards and regulatory requirements continuously. It is also to identify areas of improvement.

This policy applies to all systems, processes, and personnel handling data at any stage of the Salesforce implementation process.

1 Principles of Audits and Assessments:
We follow the following principles while conducting audits and assessments:

  • Continuous Improvement: Regular audits help us improve our data handling processes.
  • Compliance: We ensure adherence to industry standards and Australian data protection regulations.
  • Transparency: Audits reinforce trust with clients, stakeholders, and regulatory bodies.

Audit Frequency:
We conduct internal audits semi-annually or as deemed necessary by the data protection officer or equivalent authority (See log below). Additionally, third-party audits will be conducted annually or in response to significant system changes or incidents.

2 Audit Procedures:
We follow the below procedures while conducting audits:

  • Pre-audit Preparation: We set clear objectives for each audit, defining the scope, targeted systems/processes, and expected outcomes.
  • Data Collection: We collect information through system scans, personnel interviews, process walkthroughs, and document reviews.
  • Analysis: We compare the collected data against set standards, regulations, and best practices.
  • Reporting: We document the audit findings, highlighting areas of compliance, deviations, and recommendations for corrective actions.

3 Post-Audit Actions:
We take the following actions after each audit:

  • Review: We review audit reports with senior management, IT, legal, and other relevant departments.
  • Implementation: We prioritise and implement suggested corrective actions.
  • Feedback: We inform all employees of the audit findings to ensure organisation-wide learning and awareness.

Review and Updates:
We will review this policy annually or after significant organisational changes to ensure that it remains relevant and practical.